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Status: STD 2005/06/07
Code: 874

Concept definition: The type of technology used in electronic navigation. The value is either a type of <EQUIPMENT> or the name of a <SYSTEM>.
Attribute value type: ENUMERATION
Reference type: IR
Reference: [FACC, Annex B: NST and NS2]
Supplemental references:  

Enumerants (presented in a natural order)
Status Attribute label Enumerant label Concept definition ▾ Code Ref type Reference Supplemental references
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE HYPERFIX A land based radio location system intended for coastal and landfall navigation operating in the 1,6 megahertz to 3,4 megahertz band; HyperFix. 20 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:48 and NS2:48]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE HIFIX A land-based radio location system intended for coastal and landfall navigation; HiFix. 19 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:47 and NS2:47]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE OMEGA A long-range radio navigational aid, which operates within the VLF <<FREQUENCY>> band; omega. The system comprises eight land-based stations. 35 PR [S57A, Attribute, CATROS:12]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE LORAN_C A low frequency electronic position fixing system using pulsed transmissions at 100 kilohertz; LORAN C. 27 PR [S57A, Attribute, CATROS:9]  
A precision approach path indicator. 38 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:65]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE MLS A precision instrument approach system operating in the microwave spectrum that normally consists of three components: an azimuth station, an elevation station, and precision DME; microwave landing system (MLS) [F7110.65, "MICROWAVE LANDING SYSTEM"]. 29 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:30 and NS2:30]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE MICROWAVE A precision instrument approach system operating in the microwave spectrum [F7110.65, "MICROWAVE LANDING SYSTEM"]. 28 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:16 and NS2:16]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE ILS A precision instrument approach system which normally consists of the following electronic components and visual aids: <<<LOCALIZER>>>, glide slope, outer marker, middle marker, and approach <LIGHT>s; instrument landing system (ILS) [F7110.65, "INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM"]. 21 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:24 and NS2:24]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE GCA A radar approach system operated from the <PLANETARY_SURFACE> by air traffic control <PERSONNEL> transmitting instructions to the air pilot by radio; ground control approach (GCA). The approach may be conducted with air surveillance radar only, or with both surveillance and precision approach radar [F7110.65, "GROUND CONTROLLED APPROACH"]. 15 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:34 and NS2:34]  
NAVIGATION_SYSTEM_TYPE RADIO_DIRECTION_FINDING A radio receiver equipped with a directional sensing <AERIAL> used to take bearings on a radio transmitter; radio direction finding [F7110.65, "DIRECTION FINDER"]. 53 IR [FACC, Annex B, NST:4 and NS2:4]  

Group membership:

In addition to the status and date information for each entry, a colour coding scheme highlights the database holding to which an entry belongs. The following highlight colours are used:

  • white - the entry is in the standard
  • yellow - the entry has been added to the register
  • pink - the entry has been submitted for inclusion in the register, but it is not approved
  • cyan - a deprecated entry that was originally either in the standard or was added to the register, but has since been deprecated

The following icons are used to identify items that have figures, modifications and/or clarification notes:

  • F n - has Figures and, if more than one figure, n figures
  • M - has Modifications
  • C - has Clarifications

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