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Status: STD 2005/06/07
Code: 4

Concept definition: Class IV: Advanced. Intense, powerful but predictable <RAPID>s requiring precise boat handling in turbulent <WATER>. Depending on the character of the <RIVER>, it may include large, unavoidable <WATER_WAVE>s and holes or constricted passages demanding fast maneuvers under pressure. A fast, reliable eddy turn may be needed to initiate maneuvers, scout <RAPID>s, or rest. <RAPID>s may require "must'' moves above dangerous hazards. Scouting may be necessary the first time down. Risk of injury to swimmers is moderate to high, and water conditions may make self-rescue difficult. Group assistance for rescue is often essential but requires practiced skills. A strong Eskimo roll is highly recommended. <RAPID>s that are at the lower or upper end of this difficulty range are designated "Class IV-" or "Class IV+" respectively.
Reference type: IR
Reference: [SCAW, VI, "Class IV: Advanced"]
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