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Status: STD 2005/06/07
Code: 1154

Concept definition: A <TIDE> of increased range (or tidal <WATER_CURRENT>s of increased <<WATER_CURRENT_SPEED>>) occurring semi-monthly as the result of the <MOON>being new or full; spring tide [TCG, "spring tides or tidal currents"]. The spring range of <TIDE>is the mean range occurring at the time of spring <TIDE>s and is most conveniently computed from the harmonic constants. It is larger than the mean range where the type of <TIDE> is either semi-diurnal or mixed, and is of no practical significance where the type of <TIDE> is predominantly diurnal.
Reference type: PR
Reference: [S32, "tide(s): spring"]
Supplemental references: [SOED, "spring tide", (b)]

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