Concept definition
Code ▴
Ref type
Supplemental references
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
A volumetric <REGION> of <AIR> which is small enough so that the properties assigned to the <REGION> are approximately uniform within the <REGION> and so that the motion of the <REGION> with respect to the surrounding <ATMOSPHERE> does not induce marked compensatory movements; air parcel. |
IR |
[GMET, "air parcel"] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
The accumulated <ICE> on exposed <SURFACE>s of an <AIRCRAFT>. |
IR |
[GMET, "aircraft icing"] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
The bottom <ATMOSPHERIC_LAYER> of the <TROPOSPHERE> that is in contact with the <PLANETARY_SURFACE> of the <EARTH>; atmospheric boundary layer or planetary boundary layer. |
IR |
[GMET, "atmospheric boundary layer"] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
A layer in an <ATMOSPHERE> such that the upper and lower <BOUNDARY>s of the layer are defined by two constant value <SURFACE>s of a specified parameter. |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
The <BOUNDARY> of an <AURORA>. |
IR |
[GMET, "auroral zone"] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
An ensemble of <PARTICLE>s of <DUST> or <SAND>, sometimes accompanied by small litter, raised from the ground in the form of a whirling column of varying <<HEIGHT>> with a small <<OUTSIDE_DIAMETER>> and an approximately vertical axis; dust devil. |
IR |
[WMO306, Volume I.1, Part A, Code Table 4678, Column 5] |
[AWS, Table 2-4] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
An ensemble of <PARTICLE>s of <DUST> energetically lifted to great <<HEIGHT_AGL>>s by a strong and turbulent <WIND>; dust-storm. |
IR |
[WMO306, Volume I.1, Part A, Code Table 4678, Column 9] |
[AWS, Table 2-8] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
<CLOUD> formed at the core of a waterspout or tornado vortex, sometimes extending right down to the <PLANETARY_SURFACE> of the <EARTH>, caused by the reduction of <<ATM_PRESSURE>> at the centre of the vortex; funnel cloud. |
IR |
[WMO306, Volume I.1, Part A, Code Table 4678, Column 7] |
[AWS, Table 2-6] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
A <LOCALIZED_ATM_SUSPENSION> consisting of small <PARTICLE>s that are invisible to the naked eye, but numerous enough to give the sky an opalescent appearance; haze. |
PR |
[WMO182, "haze"] |
[GMET, "haze"] |
SUBM 2007/09/04 |
A bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than in conventional military action; improvised explosive device (IED). IEDs are explosive devices of varying sizes, operating and delivery methods; and consist of almost any type of explosive and initiator. They are designed to cause death or injury by using explosives alone or in combination with toxic <<CHEMICAL_AGENT_TYPE>>, <<BIOLOGICAL_AGENT_TYPE>>, or <<RADIOLOGICAL_AGENT_TYPE>> <MATERIAL>.
Each is relatively unique in nature because the creator must improvise using the <MATERIAL>s at hand. And, although unique in nature, IEDs fall into three categories - package, vehicle-borne, and suicide bombs. |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
A message issued by a regional or national weather, space, or oceanographic centre composed of information on the <ATMOSPHERE>, <SPACE>, and/or <OCEAN>, preceded by an appropriate heading that typically identifies its type, point of origin, and issue time; METOC bulletin. |
IR |
[GMET, "meteorological bulletin"] |
[WMO386, Part I, Organization Attachment I-3] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
A <LOCALIZED_ATM_SUSPENSION> consisting of a visible aggregate of microscopic water droplets or wet hygroscopic <PARTICLE>s (of <<OUTSIDE_DIAMETER>> not less than 0,5 millimetre (0,02 inches)), reducing the horizontal <<VISIBILITY_DISTANCE>> at the <PLANETARY_SURFACE> of the <EARTH> to not less than 1 kilometre (5/8 miles); mist. The visibility reduction is less than for <FOG>. |
IR |
[GMET, "mist"] |
[WMO182, "mist", 1], [FMH1, 8.3.2, a] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
<PRECIPITATION> composed of mixed <<PRECIPITATION_TYPE>>s. |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
An ensemble of <PARTICLE>s of <SAND> energetically lifted to great <<HEIGHT_AGL>>s by a strong and turbulent <WIND>; sandstorm. |
IR |
[WMO306, Volume I.1, Part A, Code Table 4678, Column 8] |
[AWS, Table 2-7] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
An abrupt and large increase in <<WIND_SPEED>> with a duration on the order of minutes that diminishes rather suddenly; squall. |
IR |
[WMO306, Volume I.1, Part A, Code Table 4678, Column 6] |
[AWS, Table 2-5] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
The vertical axis of a <TROPICAL_CYCLONE>, usually defined by the <LOCATION> of minimum <<WIND_SPEED>> or minimum <<ATM_PRESSURE>>; tropical cyclone centre. In advisory products, the tropical cyclone centre refers to the centre <LOCATION> at the <PLANETARY_SURFACE> of the <EARTH>. |
IR |
[NHCG, "center"] |
SUBM 2009/06/04 |
Fine <PARTICLE>s of mineral <MATERIAL> from a volcanic eruption which may be dispersed long distances by <WIND>s and/or remain suspended in an <ATMOSPHERE> for long <<TIME_QUANTITY>>s; volcanic ash. |
IR |
[NHCG, "volcanic ash"] |
[GMET, "ash", 2] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A defence constructed by placing felled <TREE>s lengthwise one over the other with their branches towards the enemy's line; abatis [SOED, "abatis"]. |
1 |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <WATERBODY_FLOOR> with <<DEPTH_OF_WATERBODY_FLOOR>> greater than 549 metres (approximately 1 800 feet); abyss. |
2 |
IR |
[SP35, "abyss"] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> between a <CONTACT_ZONE> and the first passable <LAND_TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE>; access zone. |
3 |
PR |
[FACC, Annex A: FA005] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <DEVICE> used for the collection of acoustic data. |
4 |
PR |
[FACC, Annex A: BK010] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <PROPERTY_SET> describing the sound spectrum of an acoustic source and/or emitter; acoustic signature property set. |
5 |
STD 2005/06/07 |
An <ACOUSTIC_DATA_COLLECTION_DEVICE> and support <STRUCTURE>s; acoustic station. |
6 |
IR |
[FACC, Annex A: BK010] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <DEVICE> to transform acoustic energy to and/or from electrical energy; acoustic transducer. |
7 |
[PUWS] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <BUILDING> devoted to the act and/or process of administration or management. |
8 |
[S57A, Attribute, FUNCTN:18] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <BOUNDARY> between administratively controlled <REGION>s. |
9 |
IR |
[FACC, Annex A: FA000] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <REGION> controlled by an administrative authority. |
10 |
IR |
[S57A, Object: ADMARE] |
[FACC, Annex A: FA001] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <STRUCTURE> for aerating <WATER> by either passing <AIR> through <WATER> or passing <WATER> through <AIR>; aeration structure. |
11 |
IR |
[BRG] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <DEVICE> used to transmit and/or receive electromagnetic energy; aerial. |
12 |
[SOED, "aerial", B] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <LOAD_CABLE> that is strung between <AERIAL_CABLE_PYLON>s as a <COMPONENT> of a <CONVEYOR> on which carrier units (for example: cars and/or buckets) are suspended; aerial cable. |
13 |
PR |
[FACC, Annex A: AQ010] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <PYLON> supporting an <AERIAL_CABLE>; aerial cable pylon. |
14 |
PR |
[FACC, Annex A: AQ020] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <SET> of one or more <AERIAL_CABLE>s. |
15 |
IR |
[FACC, Annex A: AQ010] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <MAST> supporting an <AERIAL>. |
16 |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A defined <PLANETARY_SURFACE_REGION> (including <BUILDING>s, <FACILITY>s, and/or <EQUIPMENT>) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure, and movement of <AIRCRAFT> on a <PLANETARY_SURFACE>; aerodrome [IAN4, 1.1, "aerodrome"]. |
17 |
IR |
[FACC, Annex A: GB005] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
The highest <LOCATION> of the landing area [IAN14, "landing area"] of an <AERODROME>; aerodrome elevation point. |
18 |
IR |
[FACC, Annex A: GB059] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <NON_EMPTY_SET> of <LIGHT>s used to: define and outline <COMPONENT>s of <AERODROME>s such as perimeters, <RUNWAY>s, and <TAXIWAY>s; guide <AIRCRAFT> while on a <PLANETARY_SURFACE>; and provide guidance to <AIRCRAFT> on approach for landing. |
19 |
PR |
[FACC, Annex A: GB010] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
Raised <WALL>s or <STRUCTURE>s, located at an <AERODROME>, designed to provide protection against hazards, including bombs, rockets, grenades, small arms fire, the effects of blast and fragmentation, and/or the effects of natural forces; aerodrome revetment [AFH10222V14, Chapter 5 Revetments, 5.1 Overview]. |
20 |
IR |
[FACC, Annex A: GB050] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <BUILDING> located at an <AERODROME> used for disembarking and/or taking on passengers or <CARGO>; aerodrome terminal. |
21 |
STD 2005/06/07 |
An aeronautical <AID_TO_NAVIGATION>. |
22 |
IR |
[FACC, Annex A: GA035] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
23 |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A telecommunication service that supports aviation; aeronautical communication service. |
24 |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <DIRECTION> that provides at least 3 218,7 metres (2 miles) of lead to assist in turning an <AIRCRAFT> onto the intermediate portion of an instrument approach when the angle of intercept is greater than 90 arc degrees; aeronautical lead radial. |
25 |
PR |
[FACC, Annex A: GA031] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A colloidal <SYSTEM> in which the dispersed phase is composed of either solid or liquid <PARTICLE>s and the dispersion medium is a gas, usually <AIR>; aerosol. |
26 |
IR |
[GMET, "aerosol"] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <FACILITY> involved in crop production, the raising of livestock, and/or the storage or transportation of either <MATERIAL>s important to or the results of agricultural production. |
27 |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <DEVICE> designed to assist in the determination of a safe course for, or the <LOCATION> of, a <VEHICLE>, and/or to warn of dangers and obstructions; aid to navigation. EXAMPLES <LIGHT>, <DISPLAY_SIGN>, electronic <BEACON>. |
28 |
IR |
[AIM] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
The gaseous <MATERIAL>s that comprise an <ATMOSPHERE>; air. |
29 |
[SOED, "atmosphere", I.1] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
Ground based surface to air <WEAPON>s for engaging <AIRCRAFT> and <MISSILE> targets; air defence artillery. |
30 |
IR |
[F3-01] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A widespread body of <AIR> that was established while situated over a <REGION> of the <PLANETARY_SURFACE> of the <EARTH> and that undergoes specific modifications while in transit away from that <REGION>; air mass. An air mass is often approximately homogeneous in its horizontal extent (for example: <<AIR_TEMPERATURE>> and/or moisture distribution) and the vertical inhomogeneities are approximately the same over its horizontal extent. |
31 |
IR |
[GMET, "air mass", 1] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <NON_EMPTY_SET> of <AERONAUTICAL_COMM_SERVICE>s supporting air traffic management. EXAMPLES Flight information services, alerting services, air traffic advisory services, air traffic control services. |
32 |
IR |
[IAN11] |
STD 2005/06/07 |
A <TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE> located principally in the <AIR>. |
33 |